1 Week Down!
Welcome back! Week one at Hillsdale is officially done. Wednesday was the first day of classes, and they were great! Spanish was nice, we all introduced ourselves to each other in Espanol, and the whole lesson was conducted in Spanish as well. In Western Theological Tradition, we all received our syllabi and I've already turned in my first homework assignment. We were given two essays to read (one by G.K Chesterton and the other by Jonathan Edwards) and our task was to write a short piece for the readings. I found both essays extremely intriguing, G.K's was my favorite. I also look forward to several debates that will be taking place in that class over the next few months. The topics we will be discussing are remarkably thought-provoking; I will be making whole posts for these at the end of the semester. Thursday I had Western Heritage and then Math. I loved both! We received our syllabi for those cl...